Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Can God teach me to roller skate?

During bedtime prayers with Nathan tonight I was thanking God for his Spirit that guides us and teaches us when Nathan interrupted me:

"God teaches us?"
"Yes, his Spirit is with us and can teach us."
"What does He teach us?"
"How to love, how to be a good friend--"
"How to roller skate?!"
"Ummm, maybe..."

I know Nathan was probably just wondering who would teach him to roller skate since his mom hasn't gotten around to getting him those skates that he's been asking about... but his comment got me thinking. So often adults compartmentalize and categorize which parts of life are spiritual, which parts are business matters, which parts are personal tasks... and maybe we could learn something from the open and expectant attitude of children. I tend to expect God to be involved in the big decisions and tough moral questions of life, but... when I think about it, I also believe God is present and active in the daily work and play of our lives. He probably will be with Nathan as he learns to roller skate, celebrating with him as he enjoys the coordinated body God gave him and comforting him when he flies down a hill too fast or scraps his knees. And who knows... maybe if Nathan listens with his heart, he'll hear the Spirit teaching him how to move forward on those wobbly, rolly wheels!

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