Thursday, February 25, 2010

Reflections on a Christmas Manger

We made a collage out of some Christmas cards and a paper-doll-style barn. After getting started, I realized there was some depth to this art project. I like this piece of art because it reminds me of some important things about the Christmas story.

-The divine comes to our familiar little neighborhoods. This barn and farm animal scene is a pretty common image for children's toys and books. Just as this barn feels familiar and ordinary to N and B, when God came to earth he came to real people's ordinary and familar lives. Kind of feels odd and great at the same time. Kind of like the feeling I get seeing the barn pictures next to the Christmas card pieces.
-Each piece of the picture is open for some interpretation in what it actually is... but the material it is made of is clearly full of meaning. While its a little hard to tell from our collage if there is sky or ground or trees next to the barn, all of the pieces are made out of cards sending love, peace and hope.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010