Saturday, October 22, 2011


B: Me and mom and Nathan don't have fur like Daddy.

While Bea is whining and fussing that mom is leaving the house:
N: Bea just wants mom to come back so she can trick her.

B: Swing me.
Mom gives a big push.
B: Not up to God!

Nathan, thinking about age:
N: Daddy is the furthest, then me, then Bea.

B: There's a spider over there. He's just starin' at me 'cause he doesn't know my name.

Looking at a mosquito swarm:
N: There's a whole bug palace.

After spending the morning with his Sunday School class that is all African-American:
N: In our family we're all twins.
M: Why?
N: Because we're all light-skinned.

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