Saturday, March 12, 2011


Nate and Bea have really enjoyed dancing lately. Bea likes to wear her ballerina costume and dance to ballerina music with leaps and twirls. She also likes our family dance nights and has a few moves that are her own. She shakes her hands in front of her and wiggles her hips. She also does a version of the twist. These are her moves and we are told we cannot do them. Nathan's dancing involves a lot of jumping and sliding these days. His favorite song is Monster Mash, but he also really likes Dynamite. He sings along and dances crazy when this song comes on.

Last night we noticed Bea hit a milestone in her dancing. She started following along with whatever dance move Nils or I did. She was watching and mirroring it back. Once I noticed this I tried to see how much she could do and it was amazing. She got weight changes, arm movements, hip movements, Nils' fancy footwork, tempo. I was quite impressed.

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